Capture a rural country scene full of depth and detail with the help of this wonderful watercolour tutorial
Learn how to capture natural scenery to create a beautiful watercolour landscape. This class is led by one of our expert Artisans and is designed to help watercolour beginners get to grips with simple techniques. You can choose to follow along with your own materials or book the class with a craft kit included.
The class will take an online webinar format, giving you the chance to watch a demonstration of the project while also being able to ask questions. From introducing the basics on mixing colours and using your brushes to layering the paints and creating depth, the host will show you how to achieve different effects to bring together a dramatic landscape artwork that you can proudly display.If you choose to paint along during the session, you should finish the class with a completed landscape. You’ll also have mastered new techniques that you can continue practising even after the class is over!
Along with this watercolour sky tutorial, we also have other watercolour classes available from £5 if you wish to try even more techniques and broaden your skillset further.
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1 comment
Love this blog, it’s a truly inspiring blog that will make my paintings really come alive. Can not wait to get started.